2 Signs The Old Pipes For Your Workshop's Air Compressor System Need To Be Replaced

If your workshop has an air compressor system with a network of pipes that serves different areas of the room, you may have noticed that the air pressure is insufficient to suit your needs. After checking the air compressor itself for problems and finding no issues, you may think there could be an issue with one or more pipes.

However, if you are unsure that the pipes are causing the issue, you should inspect them carefully. Below are a couple of signs to look for to determine whether it is time to replace the old pipes for your workshop's air compressor system.

1. Current Setup Has Pipes with Sharp Angles That Reduce the Flow of Air Through the System

Sharp angles are one sign to look for when determining whether you need to replace the pipe network for your air compressor system. Whether the bends were in place when the network was installed or the pipes were damaged and bent from impact, the angles will block the free flow of air through the system.

Even if the bends are there by design, you should consider replacing them to achieve optimal airflow from your air compressor. When selecting the new pipes, look for straight or slightly curved ones that will not impede the flow of air through the network.

2. Nozzles on the End Pipes Appear Rough, Are Flaking, and Showing Signs of Corrosion

Another sign to look for when examining your air compressor's pipe network can be found by looking at the nozzles on the end pipes. As an extension of the pipes, the nozzles can give you clues about the pipes' condition.

If the nozzles have rough surfaces, have started to flake, or show signs of corrosion, there is a good possibility that the pipes they are attached to are in similar condition. Therefore, when replacing the pipes, look for ones with a protective coating to help protect them from rust and deterioration.

If the pipes for your workshop's air compressor system are not producing the proper airflow because of sharp bends or have started showing signs of deterioration or corrosion, it may be time to replace them. When selecting the new piping, you can choose from straight options with a protective coating to help prevent these issues. For assistance with choosing air compressor pipes for your system, contact a dealer for compressor parts and speak to them about your workshop's needs.
