3 Features To Look For When Choosing A Company To Buy Your Heating Oil From

Are you looking for a new company to buy your heating oil from? Here are a few features that the company you decide to work with should offer.

Delivery Services

One important feature to look for when choosing a company to buy your heating oil from is delivery service options. If the company doesn't deliver at all, you'll have to pick it up and transport it yourself or find a third-party provider to do it for you — both of which can be pretty inconvenient.

You should be able to schedule a delivery day and time when you call to order the heating oil you need and then simply wait for it to be delivered. You may even be able to schedule delivery for the entire year upfront so you don't have to worry about remembering to do it as time goes on.

Service Package Options

The heating oil company you choose to do business with should also offer a variety of service package options to choose from. If you own your heating oil storage tanks, the oil company you hire should be able to clean, maintain, and even replace the tanks when necessary to ensure that your storage system stays in optimal shape in the coming years.

And your heating oil needs may vary throughout the year for whatever reason, in which case your service provider will need to monitor your average usage and be prepared to deliver the exact amount of heating needed so you don't run low or end up spending more than necessary.

You may even want to take advantage of a payment plan that is offered through the company. All of these services should be available in customizable packages depending on your needs so you can pay just one flat fee for the services and more easily track your budget.

Loyalty Perks and Specials

You may be able to save some money on heating oil as time goes on by working with a company that offers loyalty perks and specials throughout the year. The heating oil company you buy from may offer a small discount after placing a certain number of orders, or they might send discount codes out to customers who have signed up for their company newsletter.

You might also be offered a reward for referring new customers to their business. Ask about loyalty perks and specials upfront so you don't miss out on any opportunities that could save you some money on oil and delivery service.
